Welcome to Physical Therapy Professionals in Elkhart, IN
Do you suffer from back or neck pain? Did your favorite sport cause you a shoulder, hip or knee injury? Or maybe you were injured at work and want to return back to full duty as fast as possible? Is your walking unsteady, maybe you have even had some falls? Did you have a knee, hip or shoulder replacement or any other orthopedic surgery? Do you feel like the world is spinning around you when getting out of bed, looking up or down?
If your answer to any of these questions is “yes” look no further, because everything you’ve ever wanted: improve quality of your life, relieve discomfort and live pain free is here at PHYSICAL THERAPY PROFESSIONALS.
We are passionate about patient care.
Our European and US trained therapists have over 20 years of experience to offer to you with the most advanced and proven physical therapy techniques.
Our address is:
932 Parkway Ave., Suite 1B,
Elkhart, IN 46516
just behind “Sorg Jewelries” on the new CR17.